During worship on Sunday, December 18, 2022, we'll dedicate our pledges for 2023. Your financial support of the ministry and mission of the FPCE is a gift. Enclosed in this letter you will find a pledge card. Please fill this card out and either bring it to worship or mail it into the church office. We will have extra cards available on December 18th.
Your consistent pledge not only keeps our budget stable and enables us to fund our ministry over the year, it also is a way to deepen your discipleship. Every day, we have the opportunity to receive the gift of grace from Jesus. In return, we pray, read God’s word, and share Christ’s love with others. The way we share our time, use our skills, and spend our finances point to this ongoing and developing relationship. By prayerfully setting aside a part of our budget to give at consistent intervals (weekly or monthly) to our church, we are committing ourselves in new ways to be active in the sharing of good news.
In January, our session takes our pledges for the 2023 year and creates a budget to guide our congregation. Our budget empowers our church to buy music and be creative in worship on Sundays. We buy materials to support our discipleship outreach. We keep our lights on and our building open for use by church groups and the greater community. We support mission beyond our reach. We support our staff to do their ministry and we aim for the flexibility to change as the Spirit leads.
Talking about money can be a difficult subject. Yet, when we see our lives, our relationships, and even our money as a gift from God, then we begin to see the freedom in sharing our resources. Indeed, during the Christmas season, we are powerfully reminded that God is with us, always, steadfast, faithful, encompassing love and wonder; he is Emmanuel.
We thank you for sharing your gifts as part of this body of Christ.
Pastor Alan and the Stewardship Committee
Your consistent pledge not only keeps our budget stable and enables us to fund our ministry over the year, it also is a way to deepen your discipleship. Every day, we have the opportunity to receive the gift of grace from Jesus. In return, we pray, read God’s word, and share Christ’s love with others. The way we share our time, use our skills, and spend our finances point to this ongoing and developing relationship. By prayerfully setting aside a part of our budget to give at consistent intervals (weekly or monthly) to our church, we are committing ourselves in new ways to be active in the sharing of good news.
In January, our session takes our pledges for the 2023 year and creates a budget to guide our congregation. Our budget empowers our church to buy music and be creative in worship on Sundays. We buy materials to support our discipleship outreach. We keep our lights on and our building open for use by church groups and the greater community. We support mission beyond our reach. We support our staff to do their ministry and we aim for the flexibility to change as the Spirit leads.
Talking about money can be a difficult subject. Yet, when we see our lives, our relationships, and even our money as a gift from God, then we begin to see the freedom in sharing our resources. Indeed, during the Christmas season, we are powerfully reminded that God is with us, always, steadfast, faithful, encompassing love and wonder; he is Emmanuel.
We thank you for sharing your gifts as part of this body of Christ.
Pastor Alan and the Stewardship Committee