Scrabble Wednesdays
We invite newbies, the average “word-joe”, experts, mentors, and YOU to join us on the first and third Wednesdays, from 1:00pm to 3:00pm in Westminster Hall for fellowship, fun and SCRABBLE.
The north door will be open from 12:50pm to 1:00pm.
For more information, please contact Linda Senter or Lois Tysseling.
Hope to see YOU there!
The north door will be open from 12:50pm to 1:00pm.
For more information, please contact Linda Senter or Lois Tysseling.
Hope to see YOU there!

VOA Food Donations
Pastor Alan and Ken Newman will be accepting non-perishable food in the alley from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. on the donation dates listed below. You can also bring non-perishable food any Sunday and add it to the collection boxes at each door. Your donations support those in need here in Everett. Thank you for your donations.
Upcoming 2024 Donation Dates:
Upcoming 2024 Donation Dates:
- December January 6th

Youth Sunday School is Back
All children are invited to attend FPCE Youth Sunday School, Sunday mornings during worship. Any child wanting to attend just needs to go the youth room on the second floor during the Passing of the Peace.

Nursery Volunteers Needed
We are looking for volunteers to be in the nursery during worship service beginning this fall. If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Teresa Good.

Coffee Time Treats
We so appreciate the Deacons and friends for hosting our wonderful coffee time after worship every Sunday!
The Deacons invite you to bring some of your favorite delicious treats to share. Whether it's cookies (homemade or store bought), some muffins, or fruit, bring them in to go along with our delicious coffee.
If you have any questions, please talk to Pastor Alan or Bob Barren.
The Deacons invite you to bring some of your favorite delicious treats to share. Whether it's cookies (homemade or store bought), some muffins, or fruit, bring them in to go along with our delicious coffee.
If you have any questions, please talk to Pastor Alan or Bob Barren.

Church Work Party
Details for out next work party coming soon!

Request a Hymn/Share your Musical Gifts
The Worship Committee invites you to suggest a favorite song or hymn for inclusion in worship. There are request forms next to the offering box. Just fill one out and drop it in the offering box and we will try our best to include your hymn in worship in the following weeks.
Musicians Request
Do you play or have a musical gift that you would be willing to share with the congregation? If so, then please contact Steve Torrence, Director of Music Ministries or talk with Pastor Alan. We would love to have you add your gifts to our worship experience.
Musicians Request
Do you play or have a musical gift that you would be willing to share with the congregation? If so, then please contact Steve Torrence, Director of Music Ministries or talk with Pastor Alan. We would love to have you add your gifts to our worship experience.

Lunch with Alan
Lunch with Pastor Alan meets on Mondays at noon in the library.
The north door will be open at 11:45 a.m. Coffee will be provided but bring a lunch or just come to talk and catch up.

Thursday Bible Study
Join the Thursday Bible Study with Pastor Alan, Thursdays at 4 p.m. on Zoom.

Men's Breakfast
All men are invited to join the Men's Breakfast, second Saturdays, from 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. This is a special time of fellowship and Bible study, not to mention breaking of bread. We hope to see you!