Rev. Dr. Alan Dorway
I'm Alan Dorway and the pastor here at the First Presbyterian Church of Everett. I grew up in Las Vegas, NV and attended the First Presbyterian Church of Las Vegas. My parents are still members there. My "home" church helped to shape my love of Christ. I was baptized there and came to know Jesus personally and grow as a disciple through time at Calvin Crest Christian Conferences.
My experience of the body of Christ during my formative years encouraged me to grow in love, grace, faith, and community. After high school (Bonanza High), I graduated from Northwestern University (1997 BA), Princeton Theological Seminary (2001 M. Div.), and McCormick Theological Seminary (2010 Doctor of Ministry).
Previously, I served for nine and a half years as the Associate Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Carson City, NV before following a call from God to serve here at the First Presbyterian Church of Everett.
Personally, I enjoy music, spending time with friends, goofing off (yes pastors do that), golfing, hiking, eating good food and thinking about traveling. In 2018, I had the honor of traveling to Israel. I went with a group from the Pilgrims of Ibillin. I challenged myself to read, learn, and orient myself to the struggles of that region. I was deeply touched by seeing where Jesus lived and seeing how much we still have to grow in our ability to reconcile and truly see the kingdom of God here on earth.
That trip helped me to see that part of my calling is an expanding understanding of justice. I have been passionate for years regarding issues of poverty and racial inequality and now I'm seeing what I preach about develop in my own life. I firmly believe we are to love God with our entire being and love our neighbor. In that vertical and horizontal intersection of the two, we see the kingdom break forth around us. And we serve Jesus who calls us boldly to follow him in that space as he leads. I am very grateful for this congregation that wrestles honestly with trying to follow the Holy Spirit practically and authentically, as redeemed humans, in our world.
Yes, I can be passionate. Hence, you should know that I am a HUGE Chicago Cubs fan, but over the past ten years being here in the Pacific Northwest, I've also become a Mariners fan. I happened to be at the perfect game Felix Hernandez pitched on August 15, 2012. What a great time, but nothing like when the Cubs finally win the World Series!
I invite you to come and join us on Sundays at 10am. The First Presbyterian of Everett is a great place to grow in your faith, celebrate in worship, and be engaged in mission. The people here are diverse, caring, and love to grow in faith together. I am honored to be the pastor here and hope you come and check us out.
My experience of the body of Christ during my formative years encouraged me to grow in love, grace, faith, and community. After high school (Bonanza High), I graduated from Northwestern University (1997 BA), Princeton Theological Seminary (2001 M. Div.), and McCormick Theological Seminary (2010 Doctor of Ministry).
Previously, I served for nine and a half years as the Associate Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Carson City, NV before following a call from God to serve here at the First Presbyterian Church of Everett.
Personally, I enjoy music, spending time with friends, goofing off (yes pastors do that), golfing, hiking, eating good food and thinking about traveling. In 2018, I had the honor of traveling to Israel. I went with a group from the Pilgrims of Ibillin. I challenged myself to read, learn, and orient myself to the struggles of that region. I was deeply touched by seeing where Jesus lived and seeing how much we still have to grow in our ability to reconcile and truly see the kingdom of God here on earth.
That trip helped me to see that part of my calling is an expanding understanding of justice. I have been passionate for years regarding issues of poverty and racial inequality and now I'm seeing what I preach about develop in my own life. I firmly believe we are to love God with our entire being and love our neighbor. In that vertical and horizontal intersection of the two, we see the kingdom break forth around us. And we serve Jesus who calls us boldly to follow him in that space as he leads. I am very grateful for this congregation that wrestles honestly with trying to follow the Holy Spirit practically and authentically, as redeemed humans, in our world.
Yes, I can be passionate. Hence, you should know that I am a HUGE Chicago Cubs fan, but over the past ten years being here in the Pacific Northwest, I've also become a Mariners fan. I happened to be at the perfect game Felix Hernandez pitched on August 15, 2012. What a great time, but nothing like when the Cubs finally win the World Series!
I invite you to come and join us on Sundays at 10am. The First Presbyterian of Everett is a great place to grow in your faith, celebrate in worship, and be engaged in mission. The people here are diverse, caring, and love to grow in faith together. I am honored to be the pastor here and hope you come and check us out.