
Our Deacons are committed Christians who care for their church, their community, and those in need. The principal focus of Deacons has always been, and continues to be, ministering to the home-bound and those experiencing a difficult time in their lives. In addition, your Deacons pay special attention to those who are absent from worship over a period of weeks and make a contact to see if their is a need that can be met by the Deacons or a member of our church community. Our Deacons respond compassionately and thoughtfully to our church families and friends and our local community.

Deacons meet on the 4th Tuesday at 7:00pm in the Library.

Current Elected Deacons

Class of 2024:
Bob Barren
Doris Pearson
Ed Pearson
Class of 2025:
Lisa Comstock
Susan Davis
Joan Lyderson

Class of 2026:
Rose Capetillo
Sam Capetillo
Mike Davis