Advent 2024
2024 Advent Devotional
We are thrilled to announce preparations for a 2024 Advent Devotional.
We have come to enjoy and appreciate our Advent devotional. This year the theme is Seasons of Advent – Hope, Peace, Joy, Love.
For this devotional, I am interested about what gives us hope, peace, joy, and love during the Christmas season. I have some guiding questions below and I'd be happy to talk with you or answer any questions you may have on this topic.
Yet, I'd like to invite you to write a devotion, some thoughts on, or a reflection on how this theme for our devotional this year.
Submissions are due by Friday November 8th to make sure these devotionals will be ready for the first Sunday of Advent.
-Pastor Alan
We have come to enjoy and appreciate our Advent devotional. This year the theme is Seasons of Advent – Hope, Peace, Joy, Love.
For this devotional, I am interested about what gives us hope, peace, joy, and love during the Christmas season. I have some guiding questions below and I'd be happy to talk with you or answer any questions you may have on this topic.
Yet, I'd like to invite you to write a devotion, some thoughts on, or a reflection on how this theme for our devotional this year.
Submissions are due by Friday November 8th to make sure these devotionals will be ready for the first Sunday of Advent.
-Pastor Alan
Question One
What is hopeful about the season of Advent? How does hope guide you during Christmas?
Question Two
Where do you find peace during the season? What brings you peace when you contemplate Christmas?
Question Three
Where do you find joy in Christmas? What brings you joy during the season?
Question Four
How do you show, receive, or find love in Advent? Where does God’s love intersect with your life during Advent?