Thursday Virtual Bible Study

Rev. Dr. Alan Dorway

Have you ever opened your bible to one of the gospels and felt comfort seeing the red words of Jesus?  We all have.  Have we ever heard a speaker or random person say, this is what Jesus said, and we go, really?  We all have.  It’s wonderful knowing Jesus taught, preached, and spoke words of faith that through the Holy Spirit, ring true today.   But when we get caught up with arguments over context, history, and application, Jesus may seem distant.  Critical thinking and resources are important and necessary tools of growing in our faith, but what if we just took Jesus’ words at face value?  What if we take Jesus’ sayings from the gospels and just look at them?  Would we see or learn something different?  What kind of Jesus would we encounter?  Would we change?  I hope so.  As I’ve been preparing, I have.  Join me on Thursdays as we look at Jesus.  Sure, there will be context, history, and application, but the main goal will be just to reflect on what Jesus said, who Jesus is, and how his words speak to our hearts.  It may be a stretch, but together I think we will learn and grow.

Thursday Bible study take place virtually on Zoom, Thursdays at 4pm.

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If you have questions, please e-mail Pastor Alan at