Why We Give

God is generous and so he calls us to be as well.  What we do with what God has given us shows the world where our hearts are at and helps proclaim the gospel. We want to glorify God with every area of our lives, and that includes what we do with our finances.

We Have Exciting News For Our Church!

First Presbyterian Church of Everett has a new, safe, fast, and easy way to give. You can now easily give here on our website and on our mobile app. Watch the video demo below to see how easy it is to give online.

Log In To Your Subsplash Account

You can log into your Subsplash Giving account at any time. Want to check on your giving history? Click the button below to log in.

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FPCE Funds

Per Capita Fund

Per Capita pays for the operating overhead of the church at all levels beyond the congregation. The Northwest Coast Presbytery (funded by Per Capita) engages, equips, and encourages congregations and their leaders.

Mission Fund

To provide a way for giving to specific mission causes that are not covered by the annual mission budget. If you are contributing to this fund, please contact our treasurer to identify your designation.

Operations Fund

This fund is an additional receiving point for pledged and other giving to cover the budgeted costs of operating the church each year.

Building Maintenance Fund

To cover special building maintenance and restoration needs that were not provided for by the capital campaign and are beyond the annual building maintenance budget.